About Us » Mission and Vision

Mission and Vision

Our mission is to ensure that all of our students are taught a rigorous standards-based curriculum, supported by highly qualified staff in an exemplary educational system characterized by high student achievement, social development, safe schools, and effective partnerships with all segments of the community.

The vision of Bennett Kew is to provide a learning environment that empowers all students to acquire the academic and social skills needed to become productive citizens and lifelong learners in a global economy.
Our Goals and Objectives
Academic success is our objective at every level. This starts with making sure students receive a strong foundation in literacy and math beginning in our transitional kindergarten classes which prepares them for kindergarten. Many of our kindergartners enter first grade reading.

Our goal is to become a community of learners and educators. Our academic program uses effective teaching strategies and standards-based curriculum supported by technology. Along with implementing a strong academic program our school is concerned with developing appropriate social skills. School-wide we have embraced the Positive Behavior Incentive System (PBIS). At the District and school-wide the model Positive Behavior Incentive Program (PBIS) is used to improve student behavior and school safety. Students receive positive incentives for following school rules.
In addition, teachers are dedicated to nurturing every child's unique learning style. Teachers have adopted and begun implementation of a blended model of instruction. Students receive small group instruction and rotate to learning centers that provide access to different forms of technology - listening centers, iPads, Chromebooks, and computers.

We are committed to creating a learning environment which provides every student with the opportunity to access the common core standards as well as develop their skills in other curriculum areas such as performing arts, art appreciation, and music. Last year we started a school choir. We have a math and science competition team. Science concepts are taught school-wide. We celebrate diversity through the appreciation of cultures and their heritage.

Ready, formative assessments and district benchmarks are used to monitor student progress. School-wide teachers have made a commitment to improving student writing. Writing assessments are sent to the principal 3 times a year for review. Teachers receive professional development in the area of writing: the writing process and writing instruction.

Bennett-Kew is located on the south side of Imperial Highway. Bennett-Kew services low-income to low-middle income, Latino and African American populations. The current enrollment is approximately  468 students from transitional kindergarten to sixth grade. The diverse population consists of 57% Hispanic/Latino, 40% African American, and 3% other. Many of the children live within walking distance from the school. This year there has been an increase in the number of parents who participate in our parent organizations and community activities, such as the English Learner Advisory Council, School Site Council, and Parent University. Bennett-Kew operates on a traditional school year calendar and receives school-wide Title I funds.

Bennett-Kew has a dedicated and qualified teaching staff ranging from 10-30 years of teaching experience.
In addition, Bennett-Kew staffs a Resource Specialist, Academic Coach, Counselor, Psychologist, Speech and Language Pathologists, Occupational and Physical Therapists, and Special Day Teachers. A majority of the teachers hold Master's Degrees in Education. The staff also consists of 20 Classified Employees that have called Bennett Kew home for the past 10 plus years. The Administrative Support Team consists of the office manager, bilingual program aides, three custodians, two cafeteria workers, a part-time nurse, and supervision assistants. The Leadership Team consists of teachers from each grade level that share concerns and give suggestions to improve the school.

Bennett-Kew provides a variety of student programs to meet the needs of students performing below grade level expectations, students with behavioral concerns, students not yet identified as English Proficient, those that need a challenge outside of the regular classroom setting, and programs that meet the needs of all students socially, physically and emotionally.

After-school tutoring is provided two to three days per week for At-Risk Students (students performing below Benchmark). In addition, teachers work with At-Risk students daily in small groups or one-on-one to ensure students make adequate academic progress towards Common Core standards. Students who continue to find the classroom curriculum a challenge participate in the Multi-Tiered System of Support/Student Success Team and are provided additional services by the Resource Specialist Program.

To meet the needs of students with behavioral concerns, Starview Services, and provide weekly counseling sessions with both students and parents to address concerns. In addition, Bennett-Kew's school psychologist is trained to work with students experiencing difficult times, and a school counselor services students once a week.

The After-School Program (ASES - Expanded Learning) offers a safe, academically enriching environment, consisting of nutritious snacks, effective homework assistance, creative enrichment classes, and student-specific tutoring - at no cost to parents. Our mission is to create the most engaging experience for students and teach them how to make healthy decisions so they dream bigger, reach higher and go on to be confident, productive citizens.

English Language Learners are provided with an additional hour of instruction in English daily and participate in after-school tutoring. We have a school-wide ELD Program where students switch classes and they are grouped according to their language proficiency level. English speaking students received language arts instruction through collaborative groups, academic discourse, and SDAIE strategies. Accelerated Reader is used in grades 2nd through 5th grade. The teaching model of Blended Learning is utilized in many classrooms. Instruction is differentiated and students rotate to learning centers in small groups. Identified Gifted and Talented Students are challenged by teachers within the regular classroom. Referrals are made to the teacher or GATE coordinator to access students who may qualify for testing.
Comprehensive School Safety Plan Inglewood Unified School District Our Physical Fitness Mission: To see every child across the United States develop skills through fun fitness routines with a safe structured environment while kids increase their higher level of thinking. Physical education and Lunch recess provides assistance with skill development in specific sports performance and core components of being an athlete - coordination, footwork, strength, speed and agility using state guidelines towards our goal to achieve success in the fifth and seventh grade fitness test and concepts.

Parent involvement plays a critical role in the success of the students at Bennett-Kew. Parents are encouraged to visit classrooms, volunteer in school-wide activities, and attend school-wide programs regularly. Parent workshops are instrumental components that help to foster parent-school relations. Bennett-Kew staff and parents work together to ensure a safe and nurturing environment that fosters academic achievement and positive social interactions enhancing each student's opportunity to learn. Bennett-Kew offers parents resources and training monthly through their Parent University. Teachers volunteer to provide parenting advice, hands-on activities, and resources to support children at home and at school. Our Parent Center supports parents' education and access to the campus through district protocol. Volunteers are encouraged to access the campus through District protocol, which can be found on the District website.

Bennett-Kew has created an educational setting that meets the needs of the whole child, which prepares them for the challenges of the 21st century.