About Us » Safety Plan

Safety Plan

11710 S. Cherry Avenue Inglewood, CA 90303  (310) 680-5400

Water shut off
Gas shut off valve
Gas Valve
Emergency Crisis Team Operational Chart

Bennett-Kew School Principal
Main Office/First Aid
Office Manager
Parent Liaison
First Aide/Counseling Center
Teacher Union Representative
Search & Rescue Teams

Team #1                                     Team #2                           Team #3

Campus Check & Security
Student Care & Release
Classroom Teachers/Main Office Staff
Incident Commander:             Lock front/cafeteria gate/gather sound system/public contact
Main Office:                           Care for injured students/check emergency cards/answer phones
Parent Liaison:                        Parent communication
First Aid Center:                     Gather rosters/report to counseling center/care for injured students
Team #1:                                 Rms 2-14/Preschool/headstart/library/computer lab/restrooms/shut off gas
Team #2:                                 Rms 15-20/restrooms/cafeteria/staff lounge
Team #3:                                 Rms 21-33/restrooms/open Cherry big gate/shut off gas
Campus Check:                       Shut off gas/water/check campus/all clear confirmation
Student Care/Release:             Teachers to monitor students/take roll

Fire Procedures
Signal:       Fire alarm will sound followed by an intercom message
In the event of a fire or fire drill you should:

  • Take the red emergency folder with the class roster
  • Line students up in straight/quiet lines
  • Walk students to the basketball court
  • Teacher takes roll to ensure all students are accounted for
  • Report names of missing students to First Aide/Counseling Center
  • A student is sent to the front of with green (all clear) or red (alert) sign
  • All clear bell rings and students go back to class
  • In the classroom review emergency procedures and provide feedback to students

Fire Alarm Verification

_____   Yes, the fire alarm can be heard in my classroom

_____   No, the fire alarm cannot be heard in my classroom

Rm: ______________    Teacher: __________________________

Earthquake Procedures
Signal:       A long bell followed by an intercom announcement
In the event of an Earthquake Drill:

  • Instruct students to drop, cover, hold on!
  • Students should drop to the floor/hide under desks
  • Students should hold desks with one hand/cover the back of the neck with the other hand
  • Listen for the all clear announcement
  • Review emergency procedures and provide feedback to students

In the event of a real Earthquake:

  • Instruct students to drop, cover, hold on!
  • Students should drop to the floor/hide under desks
  • Students should hold desks with one hand/cover the back of the neck with the other hand
  • Survey the classroom for a safe exit
  • Check for broken glass, fallen ceiling tiles and/or collapsed entrance ways
  • If it is unsafe to exit, place a red sign on door/window for rescue team
  • When safe, teachers with red emergency folders walk students to basketball courts (teachers walk behind students to ensure safety)
  • All classroom doors MUST remain unlocked at all times
  • Teachers take roll to ensure all students are accounted for
  • Report names of missing students to First Aide/Counseling Center
  • A student is sent to the front of with green (all clear) or red (alert) sign
  • All clear bell rings and students go back to class
  • In the classroom review emergency procedures and provide feedback to students

Student dismissal procedures if school/classroom is unsafe:

  • Parents will be directed to front office to pick up students with proper ID
  • If classroom (s) are unsafe to return to, parents will be directed to pick up students at back Cherry gate with proper ID
  • Incident commander/first aide/counseling representative will report to back Cherry gate
  • Student dismissal will be verified by emergency cards in the main office
  • Student will be dismissed after guardian verification at the back Cherry gate

Earthquake Drill Verification

Room _____ Teacher _________________

On _________we conducted an Earthquake Drill.  It took approximately  ____________ to evacuate/ conduct the drill.  There are ______ students present today.

 (Please check one)

Before School ____ Recess ______ Lunch _______ During Class_______
Emergency Lock-Down Procedures

Signal:                Intercom announcement with the code word “Bear Time” 
In the event of a Lock Down:      

  • Check outside to ensure there are no students left unattended
  • Bring nearby students/staff inside
  • Immediately lock all classroom doors
  • Move students away from doors/glass/windows
  • Take roll to ensure all students/staff are accounted for
  • Complete Lock Down Class Count Form
  • Await call from office to report missing/extra students
  • If there is an intruder in your room/use code: “Bear Time”
  • Have colleagues cell phone numbers available
  • Use a green/red sign to alert rescue team of conditions inside classroom/other locations
  • Listen for all clear bell or intercom announcement before opening door


  • Explain to the students what we are doing and why
  • Students must stop, look, and walk to the cafeteria, library, or nearest classroom if they hear the lock down signal/code when outside the classroom (ie. recess, lunch, before/after school)
  • Use cell phone triage to communicate with your grade level team to ensure students/staff safety

PHONE EXTENSION ____________


Teacher _________________ Grade _____ Room# _______

 I.      How many of YOUR students are in the classroom? _____
II.      How many adults? _____
III.      How many students missing (do not include absent students)? _____

Name of Students:                           Location (RSP, EL, Speech, restroom):

  • __________________________                    _______________________
  • __________________________                    _______________________
  • __________________________                    _______________________
  • __________________________                    _______________________


     IV.      Are there additional students/adults in your class?

Name of Students:                           From Where:

  • __________________________                    _______________________
  • __________________________                    _______________________
  • __________________________                    _______________________
  • __________________________                    _______________________

Name of Adults:                               From Where:

__________________________                    _______________________
__________________________                    _______________________
__________________________                    _______________________

Teacher’s  Signature _______________________________          Date ___________

Emergency Evacuation Procedures

Signal: A long bell followed by an intercom announcement
In the event it becomes necessary that the school site is no longer safe and students/staff must be evacuated:

  • Office staff collects emergency cards/rosters/walkie-talkies/cell phone roster
  • Inform students of what is happening and why
  • Instruct students to stay calm and quiet and listen for directions
  • Take red emergency folder
  • Take roll to ensure everyone is accounted for
  • Report missing students to the office
  • Walk students to the basketball court
  • Take roll again/send student representative to the front with green/red sign
  • Plant manager and custodians will unlock back Cherry gate
  • Search/rescue teams will check classrooms, restrooms, and all other buildings to ensure all students/staff are accounted for
  • Once all students/staff are accounted for, student body will be divided into three main evacuation groups lead by Search/Rescue Teams
  • Each group will exit the school at the back Cherry gate in an orderly and quiet manner
  • Groups will report to the designated evacuation area
  • Once groups are assembled, teachers will divide their classes and take roll
  • If it is unsafe to return to school, parents will be contacted and students will be released to verified parents via emergency cards
  • If it is safe to return to school the three groups will re-assemble and walk back to the school site
  • Teachers will go back into classrooms and take roll
  • All clear bell will sound/followed by an intercom announcement

Hostile Intruder/Disruptive Parent
In the event a parent/visitor becomes disrespectful, belligerent, or a threat:

  • Advise the person that he/she is interfering with the peaceful conduct of activities at the school site
  • Never aggravate the situation by yelling or behaving in a manner to anger the person
  • Direct the person to leave
  • If the person refuses to leave, contact an administrator and/or another staff member
  • Advise the person that he/she is violating CA Penal Code/Section
    • 626.7 – Failure to leave campus or facility
    • 626.8 – disruptive presence at schools (covers adjacent streets/sidewalks)
    • Call school police/911
    • Inform violator that if he/she willfully and knowingly re-enters the facility within 7 days after being directed to leave, he/she is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by fine and/or imprisonment

Emergency Water, Gas, Electricity Shut-Off In the event that services need to be shut-off:

There is one main water valve located behind the staff room (see map)
Place wrench-key (located in the custodian’s office) on the main valve and turn clockwise until shut-off
There are three gas valves. The first  (see map)
To shut-off gas place wrench (custodial office) on valve and turn clockwise until shut-off
There is one main electrical panel located behind  the staff room (see map)
To shut off electricity pull main switch to off position