Dear Parents,
We want to work together to assure that our children have a productive and successful day. To accomplish this goal, the following will help:
- Plenty of sleep: Establish a bedtime routine and stick to it.
- A nice bath or shower and clean uniform: This can be done the night before. See section on Dress Code.
- A good breakfast: If your children do not eat at home, have them eat breakfast in the cafeteria (7:30 – 7:50).
- Review daily homework: Check your child’s homework to see that it was done correctly.
- Sign any notes or forms: Do this the night before and put with daily homework and/or materials. This will help to keep everyone’s morning calm and children won’t be upset or distracted. Check child’s backpack NIGHTLY to review daily work.
- A hug and some encouraging words: What a wonderful way to send your children to school.
- Materials are provided with one new pencil per month and paper needed. You can help making sure that your child has pencils, paper, crayons, and glue at home for homework and that he/she has an extra pencil or two to be used during the day at school.
- SCHOOL UNIFORMS ARE MANDATORY FOR ALL STUDENTS. Bennett-Kew K-6 School students are required to wear blue and white uniforms with closed-toe shoes daily. Bennett-Kew K-6 School T-shirts or sweatshirts can be worn instead of white shirts or blouses on Friday only.
- BOYS WHO WEAR EARRINGS TO SCHOOL MUST REMOVE THEM. A parent must pick up earrings before the weekend or the school will not be responsible if lost or stolen. Band-Aids over the ears are not acceptable.
- Make up of any kind
- Expensive, excessive jewelry
- Clothing associated with gangs
- Dyed/Color treated hair
- Hats may only be worn outdoors for health reasons only.
- Homework will be given 5 nights a week. Kindergarten through third grade students will have a minimum of 30 minutes each night. Fourth and fifth graders will have a minimum of 45 minutes per night.
- Homework should be a priority activity and should be done in a quiet area free from noise and other distractions.
- Calculators are not to be used for math assignments unless teacher gives special permission.
- Parents should check their child’s homework each night and help their child correct errors.
- Books and other materials used both in the classroom and at home must be brought to school daily for use during classroom lessons.
- It is the student’s responsibility to turn in homework on the date due; teachers cannot check backpacks or folders. If homework is not turned in on the date due, your child must make up the missed work during recess or after school.
- We would like students to take books home so that they can do homework. However, since it is difficult for the school to replace damaged or lost books, students will be permitted to take books home only if you (parents and students) assume responsibility for them. This means that books must be carefully handled, returned to school each day and kept in good condition.
- All books must be covered to keep them in good condition.
- If a book is damaged or lost, parents will be charged the replacement cost of the book.
- Students will bring home a form to be signed by their parents and returned to their teacher in order to take textbooks home.
- Students must bring a signed note from a parent stating the reason for and date(s) of absence upon their return.
- Students must attend 85% of the school year in order to be considered for promotion to the next grade.
- Tardies, excused and unexcused, are to be avoided.
- Continued tardiness on the part of any student will be considered a very serious matter.
- Avoid tardies by arriving by 7:50 a.m. The school instructional day begins at 8:00 a.m.
- A student will be considered tardy if he/she arrives after 8:00 a.m.
- Three (3) unexcused tardies will equal an unexcused absence.
- The consequences for unexcused tardies in each reporting period are:
- 1st and 2nd tardies: Verbal warning by teacher
- 3rd tardy: N in Citizenship on Progress Report with appropriate notation
- 5th tardy: N in Obeys school rules on report card (with appropriate notation)
- ANY FURTHER TARDIES: Case may be referred to S.A.R.T., C.W.A., S.A.R.B.
- Students are to leave campus and/or be picked up immediately after being dismissed.
- Students are to walk on the sidewalks; never on the grass or in the road.
- Students are to cross the street with the crossing guards.
- No student may be picked up from school early without a note the office from the parents.
- Students are to wait to be picked up by parents next to the cafeteria only. No student is allowed to be on the yard after school without supervision.
- Parents picking up students in their cars must obey the traffic patterns on the Street. Double parking is illegal and a danger to your children.
- All members of Bennett-Kew K-6 Elementary School staff are to obeyed and respected.
- Pupils should not arrive at school before 7:30 a.m. and are to leave immediately.
- Expensive jewelry, clothes, and large amounts of money should be left at home. Electronic games, radios, CDs, and beepers are not allowed at school and will be confiscated. These items are to be picked up by a parent before the weekend or the school will not be held responsible if they are lost or stolen.
- Hall passes from a teacher are required to enter the office, bathroom, etc. unless student is extremely ill or has been in an accident.
- Soda, gum, candy, seeds, etc. are not permitted at school.
- Students must always walk to and from class, recess and lunch.
- Students will have homework every night during the week including Friday.
- Office phones are not for student use. Students should make all arrangements with parents before arriving at school. IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY, one of the secretaries will contact the student’s parents.
- Parents are responsible for replacing lost, damaged and/or stolen textbooks issued to their child.
- Students are prohibited from bringing glass bottles, cans and water bottles to school.
- Students are to play in assigned areas, within the red lines, away from the buildings.
- Running is not allowed unless students are playing in an organized game that requires it.
- Students are to walk to lines after the bell rings.
- Drinks and use of the lavatory are not permitted after the bell.
- Students are to use the bathroom properly. (See Bathroom Rules below)
- Games and activities that are unsafe or undesirable are not allowed at school at any time.
- All food and beverages are to be consumed in cafeteria area only or on benches in park where they are supervised.
- Playground equipment is to be used properly.
- Students are expected to use the bathroom during their recess and lunch periods.
- When students use the bathroom during class time, they are to go quickly and quietly and with permission from the teacher and a hall pass.
- Students should not wait in the bathroom for their friends to finish. The bathroom is not a place to play or visit. Any student that is found deliberately making a mess in the bathroom (i.e., clogging up the toilets with paper towels or throwing wet paper on the ceiling) will be sent to the principal.
- We encourage students and parents to check out books from our school library on a regular basis.
- Students are expected to handle books with care. Students’ hands should be clean when reading library books.
- Students must be careful to keep the book in a safe place at home (away from little brothers or sisters).
- Students will be responsible for the cost of the library book if it is lost or damaged.
- When any school rule is violated, students are given a blue slip.
- One blue slip is a warning.
- Two blue slips require that a note is sent to parents and the student will be detained in recess detention for three days.
- For a third blue slip violation, the parents are phoned for a conference and the student receives five additional days of recess detention.
- When a child receives a fourth blue slip, the administrators at Worthington School will call parents in for a conference and will determine the appropriate plan of action.
- Fighting at school is an automatic suspension.
- Each student starts this process over after each track out or period.
Students are not allowed to bring any toys or games to school, electronic or otherwise, unless their teachers designates a specific day of the week for “Show and Tell”. The school provides balls and other PE equipment. Therefore, bats, balls, rollerblades, skates, skateboards and such are not to be brought to school.
- At lunch time, each class walks in numerical order, to the cafeteria.
- The students wait quietly outside on the yellow lines until the aide calls them in. It is important that students remain in the given numerical order because it corresponds to the order of the meal cards.
- After taking the meal cards, the students enter the cafeteria and pick up their lunch.
- There is no pushing, playing or loud talking permitted inside the cafeteria.
- Students should eat all of their lunch and then clean up their area.
- When students are ready to go to recess, they should raise their hands to be dismissed.
- Bennett-Kew Pre-School - 8th grade School teachers and staff work hard to have a safe and clean campus.
- Parents who wish to enter the campus or pick up their student early, must first check in at the office.
- No gang clothing or gang attire of any kind is allowed.