Parents/Community » Handbook



Click her for a the Full 2024-2025 Bennett-Kew Handbook



Dear Parents,

We want to work together to assure that our children have a productive and successful day.  To accomplish this goal, the following will help:

  1. Plenty of sleep: Establish a bedtime routine and stick to it.  
  2. A nice bath or shower and clean uniform:  This can be done the night before.  See section on Dress Code.
  3. A good breakfast:  If your children do not eat at home, have them eat breakfast in the cafeteria (7:30 – 7:50).
  4. Review daily homework:  Check your child’s homework to see that it was done correctly.
  5. Sign any notes or forms:  Do this the night before and put with daily homework and/or materials.  This will help to keep everyone’s morning calm and children won’t be upset or distracted.  Check child’s backpack NIGHTLY to review daily work.
  6. A hug and some encouraging words:  What a wonderful way to send your children to school.
  7. Materials are provided with one new pencil per month and paper needed.  You can help making sure that your child has pencils, paper, crayons, and glue at home for homework and that he/she has an extra pencil or two to be used during the day at school.


  1. SCHOOL UNIFORMS ARE MANDATORY FOR ALL STUDENTS.  Bennett-Kew K-8 School students are required to wear blue and white uniforms with closed-toe shoes daily.  Bennett-Kew K-6 School T-shirts or sweatshirts can be worn instead of white shirts or blouses on Friday only.
  2. BOYS WHO WEAR EARRINGS TO SCHOOL MUST REMOVE THEM.  A parent must pick up earrings before the weekend or the school will not be responsible if lost or stolen.  Band-Aids over the ears are not acceptable.
    • Make up of any kind
    • Expensive, excessive jewelry
    • Clothing associated with gangs
    • Dyed/Color treated hair
  4. Hats may only be worn outdoors for health reasons only.


  1. Homework will be given 5 nights a week.  Kindergarten through third grade students will have a minimum of 30 minutes each night. Fourth and fifth graders will have a minimum of 45 minutes per night.
  2. Homework should be a priority activity and should be done in a quiet area free from noise and other distractions.
  3. Calculators are not to be used for math assignments unless teacher gives special permission.
  4. Parents should check their child’s homework each night and help their child correct errors.
  5. Books and other materials used both in the classroom and at home must be brought to school daily for use during classroom lessons.
  6. It is the student’s responsibility to turn in homework on the date due; teachers cannot check backpacks or folders. If homework is not turned in on the date due, your child must make up the missed work during recess or after school.


  1. We would like students to take books home so that they can do homework. However, since it is difficult for the school to replace damaged or lost books, students will be permitted to take books home only if you (parents and students) assume responsibility for them. This means that books must be carefully handled, returned to school each day and kept in good condition.
  2. All books must be covered to keep them in good condition.
  3. If a book is damaged or lost, parents will be charged the replacement cost of the book.
  4. Students will bring home a form to be signed by their parents and returned to their teacher in order to take textbooks home.
Click her for a the Full 2024-2025 Bennett-Kew Handbook