Bennett-Kew Families:
Thank you for your continued support of making sure your student is arriving before 8 am, so we can ensure an 8:05 am start to our school day. This means students are in their seats at 8:05.
Beginning Friday, 9/2 our entrance gate on Dehn will be closed at 8:05 am. If you are running late, please drop your child off at the front of the school.
We have a very smooth process for dropping children off at the beginning of the school day. PLEASE do not stop in the crosswalk or the red area marked with signs. We have a space ahead of the crosswalk to pull into, should you need a few extra minutes to drop off.
Labor Day is Monday, September 5th. School will not be in session. Enjoy the 3 day weekend!
Please return Big Smiles Dental forms as soon as possible. Big Smiles will be on campus Wednesday, 9/7.
We appreciate your diligence with keeping your student in uniform! Our students are scholars and look ready to learn! We are able to help with resources if you need uniform pieces. We are always accepting uniform pieces that your child no longer wears. They must be washed and in good condition.
Uniform for TK-5th: navy or khaki pants, shorts, skirts and navy, light blue, or white collared shirts, Bennett-Kew t-shirt
Uniform for 6th-8th: blue or black jeans, with no holes or rips and khaki and navy shorts, pants, and skirts and light blue, navy, or white collared shirts, Bennett-Kew t-shirt
Fridays are college and sports day: wear your favorite team gear!
As you are aware it is very hot for the next week or so. PLEASE send your student with a water bottle so they may fill up at school. We have shaded areas for students to sit if they need a break from the sun. Loose fitting clothes and sunscreen are recommended.
Finally, we are excited about our in-person Back to School Night, Wednesday September 14th from 5:00-6:00 pm. If you need a conference with your child’s teacher please schedule it for a different day. Teachers will not have much time to speak privately. We look forward to showcasing the work the students have already accomplished! More details to come.
Thank you for all you do for our Bennett-Kew community!